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Data Frame Manipulation


Find rows with NAs in any of the columns

vdb_dna_seq %>% filter(if_any(everything(),

Filter rows where the value of a particular columns starts with a string prompt

filtered_data <- my_data %>%
  filter(str_starts(tile_id, "ChVac"))

Gather and Spread

Gather is to convert a table from wide to long-form by putting column names in a single column titled with a chosen “key” and all the values from those columns to an adjacent column title with a chosen “value”. If there are columns that should be kept the way they are then use -Name of the column of -c(vector with column names).

Df <- gather(data, key = Markers, value = Expression, -CellPopulation)

  mate <- dplyr::select(comb_dat, cell_population, stim_type, estimate) %>%
    spread(key = stim_type, value = estimate) %>%
    column_to_rownames(var = "cell_population") %>%
Select columns from a dataframe and coerce the data to a matrix. Also, group the data and perform min-max scaling per group.
cytof_mat <- cytof_m_ranks$attribute_stats %>%
  mutate(cell_population = paste0(cell_population, " CYTOF")) %>%
  dplyr::select(cell_population, state_marker, meanImp) %>%
  dplyr::group_by(cell_population) %>%
  mutate(min_max = (meanImp - min(meanImp)) /(max(meanImp)-min(meanImp))) %>%
  dplyr::select(cell_population, state_marker, min_max) %>%
  spread(key = state_marker, value = min_max) %>% 
  column_to_rownames(var = "cell_population") %>%


Mutate at

The example below formats and round off values to six decimal places in all the columns specified by vars(). You do not need to select columns to use mutate_at(). It performs the operation on the specified columns keeping the rest of the data as it is.

manual_dat %>%  mutate_at(vars(all_of(markers)), ~ as.numeric(format(round(., 6))))

Mutate with ifelse

In a dataframe conditionally replace values in all numeric columns. This was helpful in creating the p.value matrix with * for values < 0.05 for ComplexHeatmaps.

mutate(across(where(is.numeric), ~ifelse(. < 0.05, "*", "")))

Mutate with case_when

This function allows you to vectorise multiple if_else() statements. Each case is evaluated sequentially and the first match for each element determines the corresponding value in the output vector. If no cases match, the .default is used as a final "else" statment.

case_when() is an R equivalent of the SQL "searched" CASE WHEN statement.

dplyr::mutate("W & GLMM P Sig" = case_when(wilcox_p.value < 0.05 & glmm_p.value < 0.05 ~ 1, 
                                          .default = 0))


Replace NA values in the second column with values from the first column

my_tibble_updated <- my_tibble %>%
  mutate(col2 = coalesce(col2, col1))


Separate values of a column by a delimiter and add additional columns with the separated values.

df %>% separate(subject_visit, into = c("subject", "visit"), sep = "_")