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The screen command in Linux is a terminal multiplexer that allows you to manage multiple terminal sessions within a single window. It is particularly useful for long-running processes, remote sessions, and multitasking in the terminal.

To configure screen create a ~/.screenrc file in your home folder and include the following configuration. This file includes tab navigation, status bar customization, and easy shortcuts for creating and switching between windows.

# Enable the status line at the bottom
hardstatus alwayslastline
hardstatus string "%{= kw}%-w%{= bw}%n %t%{-}%+w %=%{= kw}[%d/%m %H:%M]"

# Keybindings for navigation
# Use Ctrl-a [n] to switch to the next window
bind n next

# Use Ctrl-a [p] to switch to the previous window
bind p prev

# Use Ctrl-a [0-9] to switch directly to windows 0-9
bind 0 select 0
bind 1 select 1
bind 2 select 2
bind 3 select 3
bind 4 select 4
bind 5 select 5
bind 6 select 6
bind 7 select 7
bind 8 select 8
bind 9 select 9

# Easy tab creation and renaming
bind c screen   # Create a new window
bind A title    # Rename the current window

# Split windows (panes)
bind | split -v # Split vertically (Ctrl-a |)
bind _ split -h # Split horizontally (Ctrl-a _)

# Move between panes
bind Tab focus  # Move between split panes

# Resize panes
bind > resize +1 # Increase the size of the current pane
bind < resize -1 # Decrease the size of the current pane

# Logging
logfile ~/screen.log   # Set the log file path
logfile flush 1        # Flush log every second

# Start with multiple named tabs (optional)
screen -t shell1       # Tab 0: shell1
screen -t shell2       # Tab 1: shell2

Save and Use:

  1. Save the file: Save this configuration to your home directory as ~/.screenrc.

  2. Start GNU Screen: Launch Screen with the custom configuration:


  3. Key Bindings:

    • Create a new tab: Ctrl-a c
    • Rename the current tab: Ctrl-a A
    • Switch tabs: Ctrl-a n (next), Ctrl-a p (previous)
    • Direct switch: Ctrl-a [0-9]
    • Split panes: Ctrl-a | (vertical), Ctrl-a _ (horizontal)
    • Navigate panes: Ctrl-a Tab