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Syncing Stuff Using rsync


How To Use Rsync to Sync Local and Remote Directories

To copy files from a remote to a local location over ssh

# rsync options source destination
rsync -av hpc:/hpcdata/vrc/vrc1_data/douek_lab/farmerr2/sandbox/hiv-rv217/results/czid .


-a is to archive. It preserves time stamps and permissions. -v is for verbose

The hpc is the remote location name stored in ~.ssh/config file. We can also use username@ip/hostname instead.

Enable partial copy and other options


rsync -a -h -v -P --exclude-from=$EXCLUDE_LIST --log-file=$LOGFILE $SOURCE $DESTINATION

Explanation of Options:

-a (archive mode): This enables recursive copying and preserves symbolic links, permissions, modification times, and other file attributes. It's commonly used for backups.

-h (human-readable): Makes the output more readable by displaying file sizes in human-readable units (e.g., KB, MB, GB).

-v (verbose): Provides detailed output of the synchronization process, showing which files are being transferred or skipped.

-P (progress and partial):

Combines two flags:

  • --progress: Displays the progress of each file transfer.
  • --partial: Keeps partially transferred files if the transfer is interrupted, allowing it to resume later.

--exclude-from=$EXCLUDE_LIST: Excludes files and directories listed in the file specified by $EXCLUDE_LIST. Each line in this file represents a pattern to exclude.

--log-file=$LOGFILE: Logs the output of the rsync operation to the file specified by $LOGFILE. This is useful for debugging or keeping a record of what was synced.

$SOURCE: Specifies the source directory or file(s) to synchronize.

$DESTINATION: Specifies the target directory or location to synchronize the source to.

Key Points:

  • Safety: By default, rsync does not delete files in the destination that are not in the source. If you want to delete extraneous files, you would need to add the --delete flag.
  • Dry Run: If you want to preview what will happen without making changes, add the --dry-run flag.